My tech blog

A new blog - migrating away from Wordpress

Migrating from WordPress to Pelican - My Journey

I recently embarked on a thrilling journey of migrating my blog from WordPress to Pelican.

The decision to switch to Pelican, a static site generator, was fueled by the desire for better performance and simplicity in managing my content.

Why Pelican?

Pelican’s appeal lies in its efficiency and ease of use. Unlike WordPress, which relies on a database and server-side processing, Pelican generates static HTML files, leading to faster page load times and reduced server load. Additionally, Pelican’s lightweight nature eliminates the need for constant updates and security patches.

My Migration Experience

The migration process was surprisingly straightforward. I followed these key steps:

  1. Exporting WordPress Content: I exported all my WordPress content in XML format using the built-in export tool.

  2. Installing Pelican: After installing Pelican on my local machine, I felt empowered by its simple installation process and minimal dependencies.

  3. Choosing a Pelican Theme: Browsing through the variety of Pelican themes available, I found one that perfectly complemented my blog’s aesthetic.

  4. Converting Content to Markdown: Using a plugin, I converted my WordPress content to Markdown, Pelican’s preferred markup language.

  5. Organizing Content: I organized my converted Markdown files into Pelican’s directory structure, ensuring a seamless transition.

  6. Customizing Settings: Pelican’s configuration file allowed me to personalize my blog’s settings, including title, URL, and theme selection.

  7. Testing Locally: Before deploying my site, I thoroughly tested it locally to address any potential issues.

  8. Setting Up Hosting: I chose a hosting provider that supports static websites and deployed my Pelican-powered blog.


The migration from WordPress to Pelican was truly rewarding. I now have a faster and more secure blog, and the simplicity of working with static files makes managing my content a breeze. If you’re considering a change from WordPress and value performance and ease of use, Pelican might be the perfect fit for your next blogging adventure.

Note: This blog post recounts my experience migrating from WordPress to Pelican, highlighting the benefits and simplicity of working with Pelican as a static site generator.